Apple Inc. had gone through some hard times. In 1985, CEO Steve Jobs left Apple, and their sales--as well as their image--plummeted. However, when Jobs returned to Apple after his interregnum, he came back with a bang. In late 1997, Apple reinvented their slogan and ad campaign: thus, the Think Different ad was born.
Its claim is Apple products are
different from the other computer companies at the time because of their deviation from that generation's popular consumer technology, and by being different, they are therefore superior.
The above ad is one of many in the series (in their other campaigns, they've used other iconic creative thinkers, such as John Lennon and Yoko Ono, Jim Hensen, Ghandi, etc). Albert Einstein, a man notable for his genius mind and his thinking outside of the box concerning things like science and creativity, is more than just a poster child for this ad. He's the physical embodiment of what Apple is saying (their
ethos): they're inventive, they're unique, they're not accepted by the norm, and, according some enthusiasts, they are genius in their design and nature. The stark contrast with the black and white portrait juxtaposed with the bright, rainbow-colored Apple logo is shouting Apple's appeal to themselves as standing out of the crowd, as
thinking and being
different from the rest of the market. It should be noted that, although it is grammatically incorrect to say "think different," as it should be "differently," the slogan is most certainly done intentionally as a way to convey it as a relative noun than an adverb.
(Posted by Michelle Dyer)