Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Blog #6 Part 1 - An Emotion


  1. We were asked to create an emotion - made from cut out pieces of construction paper, the kind we used in elementary school. We had all kinds of colors, a glue stick and a pair of scissors. THe difficulty came when we had to choose an emotion. What is something challenging? Funny? Funny and challenging? The team rested on letting me choose the emotion and see it through the paces of this assignment. The end result is the emotion SEXY. An image so abstract, that only hints and tones (some over some under) are conveyed subltly I hope. I shall explain.

    I used warm colors for such a warm and cozy emotion like Sexy. I think that every person has their own idea - imagery - and definition of the word. But I think we can all agree on a few aspects of sexy that are universal.

    Sexy is a pasionate emotion. Passion, through classical rhetorical theory (arnheim), is best exemplified by the color red. Love. Sex. Passion.

    Secondly, I chose a womanly hour-glass figure as the main shape of the emotion. A black wave below could represent the covers and sheets of the bedroom on a special anniversary evening. The orange circles are indeed intended to represent breasts of a woman, something a bit abstract that speaks to "woman" - her power and her presence.

    The piece is a tribute. A stunning visual image that only prompting can truly explain....

    Dan Guglielmo

  2. Very clever. The rounded edges definitely give this impression. I saw the orange circles as eyes and the squiggly red lines as hair so...I wasn't totally sure. Forgot to show your group's work to the class on Monday; we can see how they read it tomorrow...
