Friday, February 20, 2009

Who is the Good fella?

Goodfellas, a Martin Scorsese film, my favorite. An American gangster film original...
by Dan Guglielmo


  1. At first, my eyes immediately draw to the men on top of the image. The background is all black, creating a dark and eerie feel to the image. They are posing in a way that says they are in charge, stoic, even commanding. I see that the character Robert De Niro is playing is the main character, as he is in the middle and the most prominent. They are above the streets, not below, so they obviously have reign and control.

    What I didn't see at first was the dead person lying on the ground under the title of the movie. It's ironic that the title of the movie, GoodFellas, is right above the dead guy (which is implied that he was killed.) I see this as they are the "good fellas" by taking care of scums like that guy and they should be worshiped and looked up to.

    I know nothing of this movie, so I hope I'm not too far off!


  2. Michelle analyzed my Movie Poster for Goodfellas. My surprise came at the end when I learned that she has never seen this movie.

    Michelle noted that the 3 men are the focal point of the movie. Robert DeNiro she noted looked more important than anyone else. She also made reference to the fact that the men are literally "above the streets". Her assessment was that the men were a part of some crime syndicate and that they were professionals at whatever it was they did for a living. The dead man lying under the bridge - gave her a sense of crime, and the text of the poster adds to her assumptions. She also said that perhaps these men were "goodfellas" because they were disposing of life's trash by killing off people LIKE the man in the street.

    Michelle was very right on - having never seen the movie. Her understanding of the covert nature of the premise, the gangster qualities the 3 main characters had - even noting that Robert DeNiro was the most imprtant figure in the movie. I would say that the color - as well as the text - give a great glimpse of what the plotline is. However, other more subtle / social cues are what she picked up on most and that in fact was the most astute part of her analysis.

    - Dan Guglielmo

  3. These guys look so young here... even Joe Pesci. Michelle's analysis is really good and dead on. Fascinating that one can 'read' all of this entirely visually (no text needed). Good work.
